Feng Shui TIP: Hot-Cold Predisposition

Are you HOT or Cold? I’m neutral… A few years ago, after a trip to a Hong Kong for a Conference, I brought home to Australia a number of interesting books written by local Hong Kong Feng Shui Masters. It was in one of those books that I first learned about THE Feng Shui Hot, Neutral [...]

By |2018-12-03T03:44:32+10:00February 17th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Feng Shui TIP: Hot-Cold Predisposition

Days of the Week

What days of the week do you truly like? for a good reason…According to Feng Shui some days of the week will be more likely to boost your energy and in contrast there may a day or two that will drain you. Perhaps this is the reason some people hate Mondays...apart from the obvious. There is [...]

By |2018-12-03T03:44:32+10:00September 6th, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Days of the Week

Feng Shui Tip: Your Garden

"The garden is an extension of your home, how you plant it has a strong impact on the Feng Shui of your environment and the energy map of your home" Our modern life pushes us to move more quickly and accomplish more, but our minds and hearts crave for a quiet haven where we can [...]

By |2018-12-03T03:44:32+10:00September 6th, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Feng Shui Tip: Your Garden

What is Clutter?

Clutter... ‘Simple Surroundings create room for the mind’ Clutter is stuff in your home or life that no longer brings you joy. Clutter is whatever requires more of your time and attention than it is worth. Clutter is anything you keep out of a sense of obligation rather than because you love it. Clutter is [...]

By |2015-02-17T01:24:19+10:00September 6th, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on What is Clutter?

Feng Shui Tip for Health

A little known Feng Shui cure used by Feng Shui Masters is the Calabash also known as a Gourd. Most people do not understand why it's used but know someone that swears by it. Place a Calabash on the side of your bed to help restore health, to remove tiredness or to just rejuvenate your [...]

By |2018-12-03T03:44:32+10:00September 6th, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Feng Shui Tip for Health

Feng Shui Tip: Importance of our Environment

Most of us have had a goldfish as a pet at some time in our life. If our goldfish was to start looking unwell the natural reaction would be to change the water, remove decaying green life and clean out the fishbowl. We have just taken care of our pets living environment. Equally the same [...]

By |2015-02-17T01:09:22+10:00September 6th, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Feng Shui Tip: Importance of our Environment

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