With all my other interests I eventually reach a point of overload but this has never been the case with Feng Shui – I find that even after a busy day working I’m never too tired to read about Feng Shui often late into the night.

I put this down to a passion which goes a long way back to when I actually didn’t know it was Feng Shui.
As a little girl I was fascinated with my neighborhood and the homes in it.
The way most of the families were distinctly different even if the only difference was that they lived on one side or the other of the road.
I would find myself evaluating (even at a very young age) each time I visited my friends.
Some of the homes were warm and welcoming with beautiful smells, the families were caring and their children (my friends) did well at school.
On the other hand there were homes where the parents worked almost all the time.
Their homes felt in-need of love, filled with fear, arguments and at times even violence.
Our home was neither one nor the other, overflowing with books, music and food, yet we lived happily and humbly.
Years later it all made a sense to me as I realized that the Feng Shui and the lay of the land of my small community had so much to do with it.
Some of our neighbors lived near the river while some were facing an old cemetery and some of us were on the other side of the hill.
Today I’m still curious and find myself carrying my compass with me, like a detective taking a compass reading on a house that is up for sale.
Wanting to know why is this home for sale? … my trusted Lou-pan (compass) tells a story most of the time.
  • Is it upgrading due to good prosperity?
  • Is it disagreements and arguments?
  • Or is it a marriage break up?
Nowadays my aim is to encourage my students and clients to be conscious of the energies around them and how these make them feel.
OUR feelings in our homes are the symptoms that tell the story of what is the energy like in our space,
Feng Shui is the way of diagnosing and prescribing treatment…for our homes and business…
it’s that simple…
  I have been very lucky in my life to cross paths with many Feng Shui teachers, their generosity with time & sharing their knowledge has been inspiring.
My most respected teacher is the esteemed Classical Feng Shui Master Joseph Yu.
Sitting in the front row of his class and hearing him explain formula’s thousands of years old , I came to realization that Classical  Feng Shui cannot be  absorbed even from the best books on the subject.
A serious student of  Classical Feng Shui should at least once in their lifetime spend some time learning from and in the presence of a true Classical Feng Shui Master like Joseph Yu.
My Feng Shui studies have taken me to different parts of the world like
Hong Kong, 
Indonesia Bali to learn the Balinese’s sacred relationship with their land.

I love the Balinese ancient wisdom, the architecture and the culture so much that  in 2015, I facilitated my first Bali retreat,

I now run annual Retreats to Bali for

Feng Shui , Yoga, Space Blessing Retreat and cultural exploration.

I have been fortunate to attend a  Feng Shui Conference on Architecture and Building Design in Hong Kong where I met many Masters and teaches and was fortunate to meet and see Grand Master Raymond Lo who I also admire.

I look forward to continuing the study of Feng Shui for the rest of my life and sharing my knowledge.

After couple of years as the   Association of Feng Shui Consultants (AFSC) Education Coordinator,

I’m proud to say that I served as a President for 2015/2016/2017/2018 and 2019 for the   AFSC Association of Feng Shui Consultants  International,

Being a Classical Feng Shui Consultant is incredibly rewarding but also comes with a lot of responsibility, and I appreciate that.

The complexities of this Ancient Study have made a great transformation in my personal life as well as the lives of my students and clients.

Wishing you all harmonious living with Feng Shui.

Master Perrie Burton
