Join the Feng Shui Gold Coast Academy

9th year of training practitioners from all over the world!

The Feng Shui Gold Coast Academy is a 12 Month ( weekend each month ) training course for those who want to deepen their knowledge of Feng Shui and pursue a career as a Feng Shui Practitioner  also to add a greater knowledge to their existing careers such as interior design and real estate or study Feng Shui for personal interest.

This is a Feng Shui Practitioner Certificate Course

taught by Perrie Burton FSRC Feng Shui  Master and recognized  by the

AFSC  (Association of Feng Shui Consultants (AFSC®)

IFSA (The International Feng Shui Association, Australian Chapter)

as a training institute.

The Certificate will be awarded to those who have successfully attended all the 12 month modules and presented TWO Feng Shui audits (business & home).

For a FSGC  Academy  Accreditation each student will require an evaluation by exam on the Feng Shui  subject during Module 12.

IN-PERSON the Practitioners Training Course is held on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

Since 2022 the Practitioner Training Course is also available ONLINE.

12 Essential Modules

with core subjects required to be a successful Feng Shui Practitioner

  • FS Origins history and its evolution
  • External influences, forms, gardens other buildings
  • BazHai 8 Mansion Formula
  • Flying Stars Feng Shui
  • Protecting the home
  • Special charts and cures 60 years cycles
  • Annual Influences
  • 4 Pillars, 12 Earthly Branches
  • Date Selection – Dong Gong, Case studies
  • Feng Shui for Business
  • The Practice of Feng Shui
  • Bali Retreat – Space Clearing and Blessing

On completion of the 12 Modules & evaluation by an exam
you’ll have the tools and the know-how

to be able to start practicing with clients and to start

establishing your own Feng Shui Consultancy

  • What is Feng Shui ?
  • The Feng Shui origins , history and  its  evolution .
  • Tien Ti Ren -Heaven, Human, Earth
  • Introduction to the I-Ching,
  • Early Heaven & Later Heaven Sequence ,
  • The cosmic breath ,Circulation of Qi,  Sheng Qi – Sha Qi
  • The Philosophy of Yin and Yang ,
  • Wu Xing the FIVE  Element theory  and the phases,
  • The 8 Trigrams …Lo- Shu numbers,
  • The Schools of Feng Shui explained
  • Form School , Land-form
  • External influences , swimming pools, Gardens other buildings .
  • BaZhai – Eight Mansions East West Theory
  • House gua and personal ming-gua
  • Best bed position ,Best directions for  working at Home/Office
  • Origins of the Luo Pan
  • Xuan Kong /Flying Stars Feng Shui , timing and orientation, interpreting charts
  • Feng Shui 20 year periods and 60 year Cycles of Time
  • Natal Chart interpretations
  • Nine-Star Timeliness
  • The 24 Mountains
  • Meaning of the Stars , Star Combinations
  • Interpreting the Palaces , Charting the Stars
  • Special charts and cures
  • Annual Influences Residential Feng Shui
  • Symbolic Feng Shui
  • Cultural believes & Symbolic luck cures and protectors
  • Geopathic Stress
  • Building Biology
  • Electromagnetic Radiation , Pendulum use on charts and on site visit
  • Introduction to Bazi /4 pillars
  • The Earthly Branches  and  Heavenly stems
  • The Day master
  • Favourable and unfavourable Elements
  • Date Selection –
  • Using the 10 000 year calendar
  • The 12 Day officers
  • Feng Shui for Business –Commercial Projects
  • The Practice of Feng Shui
  • Different type of consultations, tools & dealing with clients.
  • Using Google Earth ,
  • To use software or not ?
  • Consultation pricing
  • Professional Code of Ethics,
  • Pre-consultation Dialogue
  • Commercial Consultation reports and Home consultation reports
  • YOUR Personal energy and your responsibilities
  • Space Clearing Rituals, House Blessings, and Ceremonies
  • Certificate ceremony in BALI at a RETREAT



in Class

Practitioner Training 


  • Perrie is one of only two FSRC Feng Shui Masters in Australia.
  • Teaching Feng Shui for the last 19 years on the Gold Coast.
  • 5  years in the role of Feng Shui  lecturer  at  the  College for Natural Medicine.
  • On the  Board of Examiners  for the Australian Feng Shui Consultants Association
  • The Education Officer for the  AFSC  Association
  • Holds  the TAA40104 – Australian Government Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
  • Master Perrie was the AFSC President during  2015 – 2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019 

Perrie has been a Feng Shui  Presenter/Speaker at  AFSC and IFSA Feng Shui Conferences also as a main speaker in a large number of other industry  conferences.

Master Perrie  passion is  Education without Bias.  Student’s previous learning  journeys welcomed and their previous teachers valued.

June 2017 the AFSC with Perrie as the President with the AFSC Committee  coordinated a  successful Feng Shui  Conference at Bond University for practitioners and students to attend from all over Australia with presenters from all over the world.

June 2019 is the year when once again the AFSC with Perrie at the helm will be organizing another AFSC Conference this time in Sydney with presenters and delegates from all over the world.

2022 the Feng Shui Gold Coast Academy started online practitioner training with students in the last 18 months from, Adelaide, Darwin, Perth, Melbourne, Athens, Paris, Auckland and New York.

2023 the first group of online students completed their practitioner training and join the in-class students for our September Bali Retreat 2023 and received their certificates at the graduation ceremony.


for 2024- 25 training!

Module ONE Starting 26th of OCTOBER 2024

On completion of the 12 Module Course & Evaluation by an Exam they will be Awarded the

FSGC Academy Accreditation
as well as the skills needed to start building their  Feng Shui Practice.

 Training is at

Karma Place  86 Quambone St

Worongary  Gold Coast 

Qld 4213



REGISTER YOUR INTEREST! for 2024- 25 training! Module ONE Starting 26th of OCTOBER 2024